Media sponsor: EADT Woodbridge Children's Book Festival 2008


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Monster fun!
Activity leader: The Gruffalo!
Date: Saturday 25 October
Time: 10am until 3pm

The Gruffalo is visiting Woodbridge today! And he will be hosting some great activities for his young fans in a forest cave created by the pupils of Kyson School, Woodbridge.

There will be stories, songs and lots to make and do in this dedicated area throughout the day.

You will even be able to have your face painted to look like the Gruffalo or his friends the mouse, owl or fox - for a small charge of between £1 and £2 depending on which character you choose!

Come dressed as the Gruffalo or one of his friends and win a special prize!

Venue: Salvation Army Hall
Age: 2-5
Entry: free, just turn up

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We are very grateful to the following sponsors and partners for supporting this event: Awards for All, Browsers Bookshop & Cafe, Churches Together Woodbridge, East Anglian Daily Times, Extended Schools Suffolk County Council, Seckford Foundation, Seckford Theatre, Suffolk Coastal District Council, Suffolk Foundation, Woodbridge Books, Woodbridge Community Council, Woodbridge Library, Woodbridge Schools, Young Browsers bookshop.

The Woodbridge Children's Book Festival 2008 is organised by Woodbridge Town Centre Management Ltd.
Artistic director: Catherine Larner
Site design & hosting: