Media sponsor: EADT Woodbridge Children's Book Festival 2008


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Meet Dandylion, with Lizzie Finlay
Author/speaker: Lizzie Finlay
Date: Saturday 25 October
Time: 3pm

Exciting new talent, Lizzie Finlay has her first picture book, Dandylion published in May 2009. But Woodbridge will get a sneak preview! Come and listen to Lizzie read the story and show you her beautiful illustrations. She'd love to hear what you think of her book, and she'll have lots of special gifts for those of you who come along.

Dandylion - Lizzie FinlayLizzie has already provided the illustrations for some of our favourite books - the Pony-Mad Princess Ellie series, 'Elvis the Squirrel', 'Our Teacher's Gone Bananas', 'Even When' and 'Even If', and 'A Tale of Two Wolves'. She says she loves imaginative stories, bright colours and quirky characters so find out all about her new book by coming along this afternoon!

Venue: Methodist Church
Age: 4+
Tickets: free, must be booked in advance

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We are very grateful to the following sponsors and partners for supporting this event: Awards for All, Browsers Bookshop & Cafe, Churches Together Woodbridge, East Anglian Daily Times, Extended Schools Suffolk County Council, Seckford Foundation, Seckford Theatre, Suffolk Coastal District Council, Suffolk Foundation, Woodbridge Books, Woodbridge Community Council, Woodbridge Library, Woodbridge Schools, Young Browsers bookshop.

The Woodbridge Children's Book Festival 2008 is organised by Woodbridge Town Centre Management Ltd.
Artistic director: Catherine Larner
Site design & hosting: